Canciones Aleatorias
Animes Aleatorios

KEY THE METAL IDOL - Key: The Metal Idol

14 Songs

Key: The Metal Idol Lyrics

Key: The Metal Idol

- Classroom Crisis

En las profundidades de la colonia marciana de Fourth Tokyo se encuentra una extraordinaria aula repleta de las mejores mentes del desarrollo aeroespacial, un bullicioso centro de Kirishina Corporation. Al frente de ella se encuentra el brillante ingeniero Kaito Sera, que lidera un grupo de estudiantes excepcionales a la vanguardia de la innovación tecnológica. Su anticipación aumenta a medida que esperan ansiosamente la llegada de un nuevo miembro. Pero esta adición no es un estudiante cualquiera. No, se trata de Nagisa Kiryuu, una persona especial a la que se le ha confiado el prestigioso cargo de jefe de A-TEC. Y hay más. Prepárate para un giro sorprendente, ya que Nagisa no es otro que el hermano menor del poderoso CEO de la corporación. Con un objetivo desalentador que pesa sobre sus hombros, ha sido enviado a cumplir una misión aparentemente imposible: cerrar el mismo programa al que está a punto de unirse. Decididos a mantener viva su clase y demostrar su valía, Kaito y sus ingeniosos estudiantes se embarcan en una carrera contra el tiempo. ¿Su objetivo? Desarrollar un extraordinario sucesor de su cohete más potente, el X-2. Mientras tanto, Nagisa se adentra en el intrincado mundo de la política corporativa, escalando los peldaños del poder en busca de su propia agenda encubierta. En medio de este tumultuoso telón de fondo, los héroes desprevenidos pronto descubren que Kirishina Corporation es mucho más de lo que parece. En la cautivadora historia de Classroom☆Crisis, nos adentramos en las vidas de Kaito y Nagisa, acompañados por la excepcional Mizuki, la hermana menor de Kaito, y la intrépida piloto de pruebas Iris Shirasaki. Prepárate para un viaje lleno de intrigas apasionantes, guerras políticas de alto riesgo y, contra todo pronóstico, un romance inesperado. A medida que Nagisa y A-TEC se ven inexorablemente arrastrados a lo más profundo de la red de conspiraciones y engaños de Kirishina Corporation, se forjarán amistades y se revelarán secretos guardados durante mucho tiempo. Juntos, deben luchar para evitar la crisis inminente que amenaza su aula y su futuro.

2 Songs

Classroom Crisis Lyrics

Classroom Crisis

Fate Stay Night - Fate/Stay Night

A raíz de un infierno devastador que trágicamente se cobra la vida de su amada familia, Shirou encuentra consuelo bajo el ala de Kiritsugu Emiya, un alma compasiva que lo introduce en los extraordinarios reinos de la magia y la rectitud. Pasan los años, y Shirou ahora deambula por los pasillos de su escuela como un diligente conserje. Sin embargo, el destino, con su retorcido sentido de la ironía, lo empuja a una peligrosa confrontación entre dos seres imponentes conocidos como Servants. En medio del caos, Shirou queda atrapado por una de estas entidades de otro mundo, soportando una herida casi fatal como resultado. Sin embargo, de alguna manera, contra todo pronóstico, sobrevive milagrosamente, solo para enfrentar el regreso de su implacable agresor. Impulsado por la desesperación, Shirou convoca a su propio sirviente, un valiente caballero que lleva el nombre de Saber. Unidos por un propósito compartido, Shirou y Saber se embarcan en un viaje formidable, sumergiéndose en la feroz Quinta Guerra del Santo Grial. Este histórico concurso reúne a siete Servants y a los formidables magos que los invocaron, todos compitiendo por el codiciado premio: el omnipotente Santo Grial. En la vasta extensión entre el heroísmo y la crueldad, Shirou lucha por descubrir su verdadero camino. Sus nobles ideales chocan con las implacables realidades que lo rodean, dejándolo dividido entre convertirse en un faro de heroísmo similar a su amado mentor o sucumbir a una muerte sombría. Prepárate para dejarte cautivar por la épica saga de Fate/stay night a medida que se desarrolla, siguiendo la implacable búsqueda de propósito de Shirou y las peligrosas batallas que debe navegar en esta traicionera búsqueda. Deja que la eterna pregunta resuene dentro de ti: ¿Este joven estará a la altura de las circunstancias y forjará su propio destino o se quedará en el camino en su valiente búsqueda?

9 Songs

Fate/Stay Night Lyrics

Fate/Stay Night

- Madan no Ou to Vanadis

2 Songs

Madan no Ou to Vanadis Lyrics

Madan no Ou to Vanadis

DmC | Devil May Cry: The Animated Series | デビル メイ クライ - Devil May Cry

Patty Lowell, una misteriosa figura cuyo noble linaje se había perdido en las profundidades del tiempo, fue descubierta en los confines de un orfanato. Actuando como su tutor, J.D. Morrison, una persona bien conectada, buscó la ayuda de Dante, el enigmático propietario de un establecimiento conocido como "Devil May Cry". Aceptando su papel como proveedor de servicios no convencionales, Dante asumió a regañadientes la tarea de convertirse en el protector de Patty. A primera vista, Dante puede parecer un indolente inútil, pero su verdadera identidad es la de un extraordinario cazador de demonios. Este extraordinario conjunto de habilidades resulta invaluable cuando las fuerzas malévolas ponen sus ojos en Patty. A medida que las circunstancias que rodean la existencia de Patty se vuelven cada vez más intrincadas, la experiencia de Dante se pone a prueba, asegurando que Patty permanezca ilesa en su peligroso viaje. En esta fascinante historia, el engaño acecha bajo la superficie, revelando una red de secretos y traiciones que Dante debe navegar hábilmente para cumplir con su deber y salvaguardar a Patty de un peligro inminente.

3 Songs

Devil May Cry Lyrics

Devil May Cry

クラユカバ - Kurayukaba

1 Songs

Kurayukaba Lyrics


エンジェルビーツ - Angel Beats!

La muerte, un enigma desconcertante que ha envuelto a la humanidad desde tiempos inmemoriales. Sin embargo, la antigua pregunta de qué le espera al alma más allá del velo de la mortalidad encuentra su respuesta en el extraordinario viaje de un joven de diecisiete años llamado Yuzuru Otonashi. Desprovisto de recuerdos, despierta en un reino etéreo que existe entre la vida y la muerte, desenterrando la desconcertante verdad del más allá. Este dominio etéreo, envuelto en la semejanza de una escuela secundaria, sirve como refugio para aquellos que han sufrido muertes prematuras y albergan un profundo sentido de injusticia hacia un poder divino. Es aquí, en medio de este extraordinario establecimiento, donde toma forma el Frente de Batalla del Más Allá, una facción rebelde, encabezada por el indomable Yuri Nakamura, decidida a desafiar el gobierno de su divino presidente del consejo estudiantil, conocido como Ángel o Kanade Tachibana. Impulsadas por su anhelo de autonomía, estas almas se esfuerzan por tomar el control de sus propios destinos. Atrapado en el desconcertante fuego cruzado de este choque ideológico, Otonashi se ve obligado a profundizar en las complejidades morales de su agitación. En un profundo acto de imparcialidad, se aventura más allá del frente de batalla, tratando de comprender las perspectivas de aquellos que alguna vez consideró adversarios. Con su curiosidad como guía, se embarca en una odisea que desentraña el intrincado tapiz de su destino compartido, mientras lidia con su propio dilema existencial.

25 Songs

Angel Beats! Lyrics

Angel Beats!

Kidou Senshi Gundam: Tekketsu no Orphans | G-Tekketsu | 機動戦士ガンダム 鉄血のオルフェンズ - Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans

10 Songs

Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans Lyrics

Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans

- Virtua Fighter

5 Songs

Virtua Fighter Lyrics

Virtua Fighter

- Shiawase Sou no Okojo-san

1 Songs

Shiawase Sou no Okojo-san Lyrics

Shiawase Sou no Okojo-san

- Re-Kan!

2 Songs

Re-Kan! Lyrics


- Mahou Senshi Riui

2 Songs

Mahou Senshi Riui Lyrics

Mahou Senshi Riui

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Compulsive Gambler | Kakegurui×× | 賭ケグルイ×× | 賭ケグルイ - Kakegurui

Hyakkaou Private Academy stands apart from traditional schools, as it uniquely prepares students for the harsh realities of the real world. With an enrollment primarily consisting of the offspring of the world's wealthiest individuals, this prestigious institution boasts an extraordinary approach to education. By day, students engage in standard academic subjects such as history and languages. But once the sun sets, the academy transforms into a captivating gambling hub, where money and social manipulation reign supreme. The powerful aphorism "money is power" holds true within these walls, as those who master the intricate games rise to unimaginable heights, securing their dominance over the school's hierarchy. Enter Yumeko Jabami, an enchanting transfer student who exudes an air of innocence and beauty. Beneath her seemingly naïve facade lies a fervent desire to immerse herself in Hyakkaou's eccentric curriculum. Contrary to her peers, Yumeko does not play solely for victory but seeks the electrifying thrill of a gamble. Her audacious, almost insane, style of gambling promises to inject an astonishing unpredictability into the establishment's conventional proceedings, thus unfurling a tapestry of newfound challenges and unprecedented triumphs.

5 Songs

Kakegurui Lyrics


ワンダーエッグ・プライオリティ - Wonder Egg Priority

In the wake of her beloved friend Koito Nagase's tragic suicide, Ai Ooto finds herself thrust into a harrowing new reality. Devastated and despondent, she accepts the mysterious bidding of an enigmatic being, leading her to acquire a peculiar artifact known as the Wonder Egg. Unbeknownst to her, this extraordinary egg holds the power to transport Ai to a realm that manifests within her dreams, where she is entrusted with a crucial mission: to rescue individuals from the clutches of adversity. Fuelled by a desperate desire to bring her dear friend back, Ai embarks on a perilous journey, delving into the depths of these dreamscapes to combat the demons plaguing those she encounters. In Wonder Egg Priority, the captivating and dangerous allure of this surreal world beckons Ai, offering her a glimmer of hope in her quest for salvation. As she navigates through this mysterious domain, she uncovers the intricate web connecting the inner turmoil plaguing both herself and the tortured souls she encounters along the way. Immersed in a landscape teeming with past traumas, haunting regrets, and primal fears, Wonder Egg Priority unearths the profound struggles etching their mark upon humanity. Witness as a young heroine, armed with compassion and determination, daringly confronts the darkest recesses of the human psyche, emerging as a beacon of hope and deliverance.

2 Songs

Wonder Egg Priority Lyrics

Wonder Egg Priority

Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle | 魔王城でおやすみ - Maou-jou de Oyasumi

Within the gloomy stronghold of the fearsome Demon Lord Tasogare lies a chilling abode, teeming with an array of menacing creatures. Incarceration within its unholy walls is enough to evoke sheer terror in any hapless soul. However, an exception exists in the form of the resilient human princess, Aurora Suya Rhys "Syalis" Kaymin. Though amidst dire circumstances, Syalis remains unfazed except for a singular obsession— slumber. Since her abduction by the demon lord from her own kingdom, the princess has been deprived of a single, restful night's repose.
In her quest for a respite from the tyrannical grip of her nocturnal tribulations, Syalis ingeniously employs whatever resources the fortress affords her. Whether it be the plush fur of demonic teddy bears or the ethereal, silken embrace of ghostly shrouds, she spares no effort in securing a tranquil slumber. Amidst a plethora of materials within her grasp, the slumbering princess is determined to find solace in her unyielding pursuit, unbothered even by the specter of death itself.

2 Songs

Maou-jou de Oyasumi Lyrics

Maou-jou de Oyasumi

SK Eight | SK∞ エスケーエイト - SK8 the Infinity

Passionate high school student Reki Kyan lives and breathes the exhilarating world of skateboarding. When the sun sets, he dives into the heart-pounding underground realm known as "S" - an illicit race held deep inside an abandoned mine, where skaters push their limits in daring and dangerous ways. However, a devastating setback leaves Reki with a shattered skateboard and a broken arm, rendering him unable to indulge in his beloved sport. Fate takes an intriguing turn when Reki crosses paths with a new classmate, Langa Hasegawa, a unique blend of Canadian and Japanese heritage who lacks any skateboarding experience. Bound by the necessity for quick cash, the two find themselves venturing into the treacherous grounds of "S" under the orders of Reki's boss. In the face of unforeseen trouble, they are compelled to enter a high-stakes bet, thrusting Langa into a race he is unprepared for. Little does Reki know, Langa harbors a mysterious secret that holds the key to their improbable victory. With the odds stacked against them, the dynamic duo embarks on a thrilling journey that promises uncharted thrills and unexpected triumphs in the realm of underground skateboarding.

6 Songs

SK8 the Infinity Lyrics

SK8 the Infinity

のんのんびより - Non Non Biyori

Hotaru Ichijou undergoes a complete transformation in the realm of lifestyle as she bids farewell to the bustling city of Tokyo and embarks on a new adventure with her family in the serene and secluded village of Asahigaoka. Unveiling a unique academic setting, Hotaru finds herself amidst a mere five fellow students, defying conventional grade-level boundaries as they unite under one roof in a single classroom. The absence of convenience stores in this idyllic locale and the infrequent arrival of buses, spanning up to two hours, further magnify the distinctness of their rustic environment. Surprisingly, the captivating allure of the countryside captivates Hotaru, largely attributed to the fascinating quartet of schoolmates she encounters. Bound by an indelible friendship, these peers bring an incomparable vibrancy to Hotaru's life. Amongst them, Renge Miyauchi, a remarkably sharp-witted first-grader, stands out, showcasing maturity beyond her tender age. Equally enthralling are the counterparts, the Koshigaya siblings: the tranquil elder brother Suguru, the dainty Komari, and mischievous youngest sister Natsumi. With the inclusion of a city dweller in their cheerful circle, the unremarkable days in Asahigaoka suddenly assume a remarkable hue. Hotaru, armed with a wealth of firsthand experiences from the outside world, breathes new life into the well-worn routine. Through her fresh perspective, a brilliant transformation cascades upon their existence, embracing the winds of change that gracefully dance through their tranquil village.

2 Songs

Non Non Biyori Lyrics

Non Non Biyori

ホリミヤ - Horimiya

At first glance, one would never imagine that Kyouko Hori and Izumi Miyamura could ever see eye-to-eye. Hori, blessed with a captivating blend of beauty and intelligence, while Miyamura, seemingly timid and aloof in the eyes of his peers. But fate has a funny way of bringing unlikely pairs together. A chance encounter reveals the hidden depths within each of them. Though Hori is revered at school, her overwhelming responsibilities at home leave little time for socializing. Conversely, Miyamura, donning an inconspicuous facade, harbors a multitude of secretive tattoos and piercings, creating a perception of a gentle delinquent. Despite their contrasting personas, these two individuals forge an unexpected bond, finding solace and understanding within their unique connection. Their friendship blossoms, often finding refuge within the confines of Hori's home, where they can truly be themselves. As they both peel back the layers of their outward facades, they gradually unveil sides of themselves that remain concealed from the prying eyes of the outside world.

2 Songs

Horimiya Lyrics


Rent-a-Girlfriend, Kanokari | 彼女, お借りします - Kanojo, Okarishimasu

In the tumultuous world of love and heartbreak, Kazuya Kinoshita, a brilliant 20-year-old student, had it all— a radiant girlfriend named Mami Nanami who illuminated his life. Alas, fate had a wicked twist in store for him as Mami abruptly ended their relationship, casting him into the depths of desolation and emptiness. Determined to mend his broken heart, Kazuya turned to an unconventional solution: a rental girlfriend procured through a cutting-edge online application. Enter Chizuru Mizuhara, a breathtaking beauty adorned with an infectious charm that bewitches Kazuya from the very beginning. However, as time unravels peculiar tales of Chizuru's interactions with other customers, Kazuya's trust in her withers, convinced that her warm smile and nurturing nature were nothing more than an elaborate facade designed to toy with his fragile emotions. Fueled by anger and disappointment, Kazuya rates her poorly without hesitation. But little does he know, this impulsive act of his sets the stage for a monumental confrontation, as Chizuru bares her true, spirited self, unyielding and unafraid to express her frustrations. Their one-sided exchange abruptly halts when a distressing phone call shatters the tension— Kazuya's beloved grandmother has suffered a sudden collapse, sending shockwaves of panic through his weary heart. In a hurry, they race to the hospital, Chizuru's presence adding an unexpected layer of complexity to this already precarious situation. As Kazuya's grandmother awakens and gazes upon them, bewildered and inquiring, he instinctively blurts out that they are lovers, propelling Chizuru into an arduous charade. Amidst the remnants of his shattered romance with Mami, Kazuya now finds himself entangled in an intricate web of emotions, questioning how long this reluctant rental girlfriend can keep up the facade. Will they triumph over adversity and discover true love in the process, or will their blossoming connection crumble under the weight of their past? The stage is set, and the curtain rises on a captivating tale of love, heartache, and the boundless complexities of human relationships.

8 Songs

Kanojo, Okarishimasu Lyrics

Kanojo, Okarishimasu

Fly Me to the Moon | トニカクカワイイ - Tonikaku Kawaii

Nasa Yuzaki harbors an unwavering determination to secure his place in the annals of history. Having outperformed his peers in the national mock exam and setting his sights on an esteemed high school, he firmly believes his life's trajectory is precisely plotted. Yet, as we know, fate revels in its capricious nature. And so, on a fateful snowy evening, Nasa's gaze is captivated by an extraordinary beauty gracing the opposite side of the street. Enchanted by her presence, he musters the courage to approach her, only to be abruptly blindsided by an approaching truck. Thankfully, his life is spared from the clutches of tragedy due to the swift intervention of the enigmatic girl. Bleeding by the side of the ambulance, he watches her vanish under the soft moonlight, evoking the essence of Princess Kaguya's departure for the moon. Refusing to let this serendipitous encounter dissolve into a mere memory, Nasa summons his indomitable will and braves his damaged body to pursue her, daring to confess his feelings. Remarkably, the girl, taken aback by his audacity and resolute determination, acquiesces to his revelation but imposes a consequential caveat: they may only unite in the holy bond of matrimony!

7 Songs

Tonikaku Kawaii Lyrics

Tonikaku Kawaii

Boku no Piko | My Pico | ぼくのぴこ - Boku no Pico

Pico, a vibrant and joyful soul, finds himself immersed in the sunlit ambiance of Café Bebe, his grandfather's charming coffee shop. Meanwhile, Tamotsu, a diligent white-collar worker, yearns for an escape from the monotony of his day-to-day existence. As destiny would have it, these two individuals cross paths within the cozy confines of the café, igniting a fervent flame of love and desire. Amidst this extraordinary encounter, societal norms of age, gender, and sexuality are effortlessly shattered, allowing their connection to flourish in the pursuit of sensory gratification. Yet, amidst the intoxicating pleasures of the flesh, can a deeper emotional bond be forged between their beating hearts?

3 Songs

Boku no Pico Lyrics

Boku no Pico

So I'm a Spider, So What? | 蜘蛛ですが、なにか? - Kumo Desu ga, Nani ka?

In the blink of an eye, a catastrophic blast claimed the lives of an entire high school class, whisking their souls away to an otherworldly realm of enchantment and granting them the gift of reincarnation. However, not all were bestowed with the same prestigious destinies. Our fearless protagonist, once the unassuming underdog of the class, found herself reborn as none other than a spider! Plunged into the depths of a treacherous labyrinth swarming with perils and monstrous creatures, she must summon every ounce of her grit and adaptability to navigate this unforgiving new reality. Trapped at the very bottom of the food chain, it's a merciless world where survival hinges on one's instincts to devour or be devoured. With unwavering resolve, our spindly heroine faces the daunting challenge of not only escaping the clutches of impending doom but also securing her rightful place in this extraordinary realm. Eagerly traversing an arduous path, this extraordinary tale follows the indomitable spirit of a spider as she cunningly outmaneuvers her adversaries, leveraging every resource at her disposal in the name of survival itself.

4 Songs

Kumo Desu ga, Nani ka? Lyrics

Kumo Desu ga, Nani ka?

Yubisaki kara no Honki no Netsujō: Osananajimi wa Shōbōshi | 指先から本気の熱情-幼なじみは消防士- - Yubisaki kara no Honki no Netsujou: Osananajimi wa Shouboushi

In the depths of a nightmarish inferno, Ryou Fujihashi's world is engulfed in flames. Trapped within the relentless blaze, her desperate cries for help echo through the thick haze of smoke. Time stands still as she battles against the suffocating darkness, yearning for a way to escape the clutches of imminent disaster. Miraculously, a divine intervention takes shape in the form of a gallant firefighter, swiftly summoned to the scene by a concerned citizen. As Ryou's tenuous grip on hope trembles, a familiar face emerges from the chaos – none other than her childhood companion, Souma Mizuno. Amidst the turbulent blaze, a spark of recognition ignites within Ryou's heart. Yet, the flame that once burned brightly for Souma had long been extinguished by his notorious reputation as a heartbreaker. Determined to find refuge from the debris of her shattered life, Ryou seizes the lifeline offered by her childhood confidant. Entrusting her fate to him, she steps into Souma's world, seeking shelter in his loving embrace. However, Ryou soon discovers that surrendering to his hospitality comes with its own set of boundaries – boundaries forged with desire, boundaries that, if crossed, unleash a tempest of passion waiting to consume them both. Yet, as Ryou delicately balances the delicate dance of intimacy with Souma, she finds herself irresistibly drawn into the company of the other valiant firefighters. These paragons of strength and allure magnetize her attention, casting shadows of doubt on the path she has chosen. Even as Souma's heart beats in sync with Ryou's, she must grapple with the tormenting uncertainty of her own desires. Can she resist the allure of temptation, or will the flames of temptation prove too consuming to ignore?

2 Songs

Yubisaki kara no Honki no Netsujou: Osananajimi wa Shouboushi Lyrics

Yubisaki kara no Honki no Netsujou: Osananajimi wa Shouboushi

アクダマドライブ - Akudama Drive

Step into the bustling metropolis of Kansai, where a symphony of cybernetic screens illuminates the neon-lit streets. At first glance, this technological utopia may deceive you with its shimmering facade. But in the depths of shadowy alleys, a ruthless criminal underbelly thrives, harboring elusive fugitives known as "Akudama." Familiar with these elusive beings, the Kansai police prepare to thrust the notorious murderer, "Cutthroat," into the merciless jaws of public execution. With a documented kill count of 999 lives, the weight of Cutthroat's crimes is undeniable. Yet, just as justice seems certain, the city trembles under the clandestine arrival of a cryptic communique. Intriguingly, this enigmatic missive reaches the ears of selected Akudama elites, tempting them to embark on a daring mission: to liberate Cutthroat, alluringly packaged with the promise of vast wealth. An invisible hand orchestrates a gathering of these dangerous personas, an event destined to transform the impending execution into a full-blown and tantalizing descent into mayhem and bloodshed.

3 Songs

Akudama Drive Lyrics

Akudama Drive